• Climate Governance Forum

    Bringing together our director community and leaders in climate governance, this one-day conference will explore the pivotal role of boards in navigating climate challenges. Brought to you by IoD and Chapter Zero New Zealand. Register now to join us on 21 October in Auckland.
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  • Company Directors’ Course

    Join our next Company Directors’ Course cohort and learn from New Zealand’s trusted governance experts in this week-long immersive learning experience. Places are filling fast.
    Secure your place today
  • Unlock your board's full potential

    An IoD board evaluation will help to maximize your board’s potential and drive your organisation towards sustained success. Choose evaluations designed for not-for-profit and commercial organisations.
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The Four Pillars of Governance Best Practice

The Four Pillars of Governance Best Practice

Determining purpose

The board adds value by leading the entity's purpose, goals and strategy. It must take ownership of the entity's strategic direction. Long-term business sustainability is a critical focus of the board.

Learn more