


Four ways to develop the optimal board

Join us for a conversation with Anthony Goodman from Korn Ferry on the four ways to develop the optimal board.

Anthony Goodman
7:30am — 8:30am, 6 August 2024
Price members
$0.00 incl GST
Price non-members
$49.00 incl GST


Today's boards are changing. They're becoming more inclusive, purposeful, and adaptable. And it's not just because of outside pressure—it's because they see the strategic value in it.

In a recent Korn Ferry survey of over 180 board members, 81% said they see the benefits of diversity and inclusion for the board. They know it leads to better problem-solving and more innovative ideas. But it's not enough to just have diverse faces around the table. Real inclusivity means every voice is heard and valued.

The most effective board isn’t just about ticking boxes—it sees inclusivity as an integral part of its board culture. We call them “ optimal boards.” 

Anthony Goodman

Senior Client Partner, Head of the Board Effectiveness Practice, Korn Ferry

Mr. Goodman advises public and private company boards, including large nonprofits, foundations, membership organizations, mutual funds and family influenced businesses on a range of confidential matters. He was an honoree in the 2023 NACD Directorship 100™, recognizing leading corporate directors and corporate governance experts who impact boardroom practices and performance.

His prior experience includes six years as a leader in the Board Effectiveness Practice at Russell Reynolds Associates. ​

He spent more than 12 years as a partner at Tapestry Networks, an organization convening board directors, investors, and regulators for peer learning and mutual understanding. He was the founder and co-chair of the Shareholder-Director Exchange (SDX), which developed the first protocol for board-shareholder engagement in the United States. For five years from 2009-2014, Mr. Goodman wrote the Leading View column for the Financial Times.

Before joining Tapestry, Mr. Goodman was CEO of Omnicom Group (NYSE: OMC) subsidiary Smythe Dorward Lambert, a boutique consultancy specializing in change management, culture change, and employee  communication.

He was Co-Chair of The Conference Board ESG Center’s Human Capital Management Oversight Working Group in 2019-20. He co-authored chapters in the first three editions of The Handbook of Board Governance (Wiley) covering board-shareholder engagement in 2016, board leadership in 2020, and board evaluation, forthcoming in 2023.

Anthony was also the official opposer at the Oxford Debate on whether “nuclear weapons are morally indefensible' appearing as second speaker against Rt Hon David Lange in where he famously said to Goodman’s team “I can smell the uranium on it (your breath) as you lean towards me”

He was a board director of Boston Scores, a nonprofit providing after-school programs in Boston public schools from 2004 to 2022. He is a member of the National Association of Corporate Directors (NACD) and the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN).​

Mr. Goodman holds an MA in politics, philosophy, and economics from Oxford University, where he was also elected President of the Oxford Union.


Kristyn Chandler-Yates
National Sponsorship and Events Manager
+64 27 207 2592

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    6 Aug 2024

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