Cyber risk: a practical guide 2025
Cybersecurity is not just an IT issue, it is a strategic one. The 2025 edition will help you lead on cybersecurity around the board table.
Make a step change in your performance at the board table.
The Company Directors' Course (CDC) is the benchmark for directors and senior leaders reporting to boards. It is also a pre-requisite to becoming a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors.
In the five-and-a-half day CDC course you explore the director's roles and responsibilities with other directors. Each day you participate in board simulation exercises, bringing to life case studies that highlight the unpredictable nature of business and the human nature of directorship. You improve your decision-making ability in the boardroom.
The benefits of this course extend beyond governance skill building. Previous attendees have developed strong networks in the governance community. They report personal growth and confidence in their directorships and an acceleration in their careers after taking the course.
See article So you want to be a director? by Cathy Parker for Management Magazine in which she investigates CDC as the key prerequisite for directorship.
Watch the recording from our Company Directors’ Course online information session.
CDC is available as a residential or non-residential course. The content is the same for both courses. We do offer non-residential places on residential courses from time to time. For more information, please contact our Governance Development team on 0800 846 369 or
Accommodation is included as part of the price. You stay on location for the duration. The advantage is a full immersion course with the chance to continue discussions and networking with other participants in the evenings and prepare for the following day.
Residential investment:
Members: $10,470.00 incl GST
Non-members: $12,790.00 incl GST
Accommodation is not included as part of the price. You return home each day after the course. This suits participants with family and evening commitments.
Non-residential investment:
Members: $8,210.00 incl GST
Non-members: $10,290.00 incl GST
Register for CDC non-residential
CDC is challenging. We strongly recommend taking the full week off from work or other responsibilities regardless of whether you take the residential or non-residential course options.
Any of the courses that the IoD delivers publically can be delivered in-house for your whole board, management team or governance stakeholders, with a facilitator who can contextualise the delivery to your organisation and sectors. To enquire, please click here.
We had a great set of speakers who spanned the breadth of competencies required of directors. Plenty of opportunity to put the concepts into practice through director simulations throughout the week. Not to mention the great group I was with...
CDC is a simulated board exercise. On a given day, you work with 4-5 other board members addressing a scenario such as company solvency. In the afternoon, you test your assumptions and decisons with the full group and compare to New Zealand case studies on solvency.
Topics covered during the course include:
Directors and senior executives with at least one to five years' experience of working on or with boards, and a sound knowledge of business finance.
Completion of the Company Directors' Course is prerequisite to becoming a Chartered Member of the Institute of Directors.
If you are unsure whether you meet the prerequisites for the Company Directors' Course, please call the Governance Development team 0800 846 369.
Good education is essential, and for governance it is no different. It is important to embed the core principles of governance, understand what they mean, and be able to successfully implement them in any board situation. The IoD facilitators all had “hard hat” real board experiences they were able to share with us.