The Advanced Directors’ Course is an immersive three-and-a-half day course designed for skilled directors tackling complex governance issues and challenges, and looking to hone their leadership skills.

More about the course

Our new premium course offering has been created for skilled directors as progression after completing the Company Directors’ Course.

Our Advanced Directors' Course (ADC) curriculum is focused on three key themes - board leadership, cultural intelligence and climate awareness, and each day focusses on a different facet of being a director - you, your board and practical governance.

Your days will be facilitated by a team of highly experienced directors who will share their experiences, facilitate discussions and work through challenging board scenarios. The curriculum is tailored to suit the skill set, experiences and sectors of each cohort. And we also build in time for networking informally with the other attendees.

This course is designed to leave you with a renewed sense of purpose and armed with the practical tools to lead impactful change at board level.

Who should attend?

Participants are selected as part of our application process to ensure everyone attending has the right mix of skill sets and experience to create a strong and vibrant learning experience.

To get the most from this course you will need to:

  • be an IoD Chartered Member with at least three years board experience


  • have attended the IoD Company Directors’ Course (or an international equivalent);
  • have held positions on multiple boards of qualifying organisations*, and
  • have held these positions for at least five years.

If you are a highly experienced director, you may be eligible for direct registration on the Advanced Directors’ Course. If that could be you, or you have any questions around these pre-requisites feel free to contact us on 0800 846 369 or

* What is a qualifying organisation?

A qualifying organisation has separate executive and governance functions, in the opinion of our council. For example, a qualifying corporation would have, in the council’s opinion, a meaningful separation of the roles of senior managers from those of members of the board of directors.

The organisation’s size and sector do not matter – not-for-profit, school, and trust board members can qualify.

Apply now member

Apply now non-member


Why should you attend?

The ADC is governance rewired for exceptional directors – the opportunity to approach governance and leadership topics from different perspectives.

You will be exposed to cutting edge governance thought leadership that focusses on real-world issues and challenges.

You will be part of a selected cohort of skilled directors who will share their experiences across different sectors and businesses.

Our curriculum is tailored to suit the skill set, experiences and sectors of each cohort – creating an experience that cannot be replicated.

We offer a fully immersive learning opportunity which allows for greater connection with your cohort and the highly experienced directors that will be leading you through this course.

In this course you will have the time to focus on your personal growth – by reflecting and investigating how you think of yourself as a director and leader – and what you need to do to be an exceptional director and create impactful change and growth for your organisations.

IoD members will receive 35 CPD points upon completion of this course.

What will you learn?

Your learning experience starts on the first day with an introductory afternoon session followed by dinner. Each day focusses on a different element of directorship and the key concepts of board leadership, cultural intelligence and climate awareness is woven throughout your learning sessions.

A director with impact
  • Leading as a director – refine your skills, characteristics and future focused mind-set to govern with confidence and courage.
  • Getting your voice heard - influencing and persuasion at the board table.
  • Not all press is good press – what directors need to know about social media, public relations and reputation management.
  • Governing for the future – what does the role of directors look like in the future and how you can remain relevant.
The board for the future
  • Harnessing the power of difference – how to build a board that is adaptive, culturally intelligent and ethically sound.
  • Future proofing – ensuring your board and organisation can navigate through uncertainty and into a strong future.
Governance for today

Practical governance for an uncertain and changing world.

  • Pushing beyond diversity of thought – how to address your board composition, build your culture, live your organisation values and build value.
  • People first – create innovation, impact and your long term future by putting people first.
  • Climate awareness and sustainable futures – practical approaches to director duties and responsibilities with a climate awareness and sustainability focus.

By directors, for directors

Our facilitators have been carefully selected for their governance experience, diverse subject matter expertise, and their ability to enliven content by sharing their own experiences.

Click on their names below for more information.

Dr Jim Mather

Fiona Oliver 



Course details

8 – 11 September 2024 – Wellington

10 – 13 November 2024 – Auckland

The ADC is available with residential and non-residential accommodation options.

The non-residential course option is capped at six participants for each course instance, and non-residential attendees are required to attend all course activities, including dinner on the first and third night.

Residential investment:
Members: $7,650 incl GST
Non-members: $9,384 incl GST

This includes three and half days of interactive learning sessions and workshops with our subject matter experts; breakfasts, lunches, morning and afternoon teas; dinner on the first and third night, and accommodation for three nights.

Non-residential investment:
Members: $6,835 incl GST
Non-members: $8,570 incl GST

This includes three and half days of interactive learning sessions and workshops with our subject matter experts; lunches, morning and afternoon teas and dinner on the first and third night. No accommodation is included.