Capital markets reform submission supports reassessment of liability provisions
A significant aspect of these reforms centred on the climate-related disclosures (CRD) regime, with a focus on director liability.
Chapter Zero New Zealand mobilises, connects, educates and equips directors and boards to make climate-smart governance decisions to create long term value for shareholders and stakeholders.
Chapter Zero New Zealand is hosted by the Institute of Directors and launched in March 2022. We have joined a global network of board directors committed to taking action on climate change as part of the Climate Governance Initiative.
We invite all New Zealand directors to put climate on the boardroom agenda. Commit to ensuring your companies are fit for the future and that global net zero ambitions are transformed into robust plans and measurable action.
Visit the Chapter Zero New Zealand website to become a supporter - it's free and you'll get access to the latest resources, news and events to develop your knowledge and skills around climate governance.