Membership categories

People join the IoD as either a Member or an Associate. Members commit to continuing professional development and may choose to join our Chartered Membership pathway.

Diagram showing different membership categories

Our membership categories


Member MInstD

Chartered Member CMInstD

Chartered Fellow CFInstD

Distinguished Fellow DistFInstD

Retired Fellow FInstD (Retd)

Retired (MInstD (Retd) or CMInstD (Retd))



You can join the Institute of Directors as an Associate if you are either:

  • interested in the work of the institute and do not meet Member criteria
  • a full-time student at a tertiary institution.


Member MInstD

You can join the Institute of Directors as a Member if you are any of these:

  • a director as defined in the Companies Act 1993
  • a member of the board of a government or quasi-government body
  • a member of the board of a not-for-profit organisation
  • a senior executive reporting to a board, a minister, or an equivalent
  • a partner or sole proprietor in a professional practice or unincorporated business
  • an academic at a tertiary institution at the level of head of department or above, or an equivalent
  • a person who has recently served in any of the above roles, or
  • someone who, in the IoD council's opinion, has a role (or has recently served in a role) comparable to any of these, and experience, qualifications, or professional background suitable for a Member.

As a Member, you have to:

  • ensure you renew your membership annually
  • meet the continuing professional development requirement.

Chartered Member CMInstD

To be eligible to become a Chartered Member you must:

  • Be a member of the governing body of a qualifying organisation.
  • Complete the IoD Company Directors' Course or an equivalent.
  • Pass the IoD Chartered Member assessment or an equivalent.
  • Confirm that you uphold the principles of the IoD charter, and are of good character and a fit and proper person to be admitted as a Chartered Member.

As a Chartered Member you make an annual confirmation that you meet the continuing professional development requirement, uphold the principles of the IoD Charter, and are of good character.

Chartered Fellow CFInstD

Membership as a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Directors is by application or invitation.

To be eligible to become a Chartered Fellow you must:

  • be an IoD member continuously for at least three years when you apply.
  • satisfy the IoD council that you have the experience and background appropriate for a Chartered Fellow.
  • confirm that you uphold the principles of the IoD charter, and are of good character and a fit and proper person to be admitted as a Chartered Fellow.

You also have to meet one of the following criteria:

  1. You have:
    • completed the IoD Company Directors' Course or an equivalent
    • passed the IoD Chartered Member assessment or an equivalent
    • at least five years’ experience* as a director or equivalent in two or more organisations of substance
  2. you have at least ten years’ experience* as a director or equivalent in two or more organisations of substance.
  3. you have experience and background that, in the opinion of the council in exceptional circumstances, makes you suitable for membership as a Chartered Fellow. For example, you have given long, exemplary service in an organisation that you built into a significant business.

As a Chartered Fellow you make an annual confirmation that you meet the continuing professional development requirement, uphold the charter’s principles, and are of good character.

* total consecutive years passed. You cannot add time in two or more concurrent roles.

Distinguished Fellow DistFInstD

The Distinguished Fellow award is the Institute of Directors’ highest accolade.

Distinguished Fellow awards are made annually to IoD members with distinguished governance careers, or who have made an outstanding contribution in governance to the IoD, the community, or business.

To be eligible for membership as a Distinguished Fellow of the Institute of Directors, you have to:

  • have, in the opinion of the IoD council, sustained a prominent and distinguished career as a director or equivalent, made a significant contribution to the institute, or made an eminent or significant governance contribution to the community or business
  • be recommended by an IoD branch as a member in the later stages of your career
  • have accepted our council's invitation to membership as a Distinguished Fellow.

There is no continuing professional development requirement for Distinguished Fellows.

Retired Fellow FInstD (Retd)

To be eligible for membership as a Retired Fellow of the Institute of Directors, a person must:

  • be or have been a Chartered Fellow;
  • not occupy a role (such as an executive or director) for which they receive more than $10,000 per annum; and
  • be a person who Council has no reason to consider is not of good character or a fit and proper person (having regard to the criteria determined by Council to be relevant to the assessment of whether a person is a fit and proper person to be a Chartered Fellow).

There shall be no mandatory CPD Requirements for Retired Fellows.

Retired (MInstD (Retd) or CMInstD (Retd)) 

To be eligible for membership of the Institute of Directors as Retired, you have to:

  • be aged sixty five (65) or over;
  • be or have been a Member or Chartered Member;
  • not occupy a role (such as an executive or director) for which they receive more than $10,000 per annum; and
  • be a person who Council has no reason to consider is not of good character.

There shall be no mandatory CPD Requirements for members who are Retired.


To be eligible for Honorary membership, a person must:

  • have rendered outstanding service to the IoD, and
  • have such status conferred by members at a General Meeting

Honorary members have no mandatory CPD Requirements and are not required to pay an annual subscription but shall otherwise have the same rights and obligations as other members.