
Fully booked



Governance and sustainability; fitting the puzzle together

The momentum for change around sustainability is building - Dean Hamilton will share some thoughts and observations on how boards are tackling this.

12:00pm — 2:00pm, 10 November 2020
St Moritz Hotel
10-18 Brunswick Street, Queenstown
Price members
$45.00 incl GST
Price non-members
$60.00 incl GST


This momentum is in part coming from a change in power - be it employee power, customer purchasing power, voting power, investing power or legislative power. Directors’ obligations of diligence and care extend to stakeholders not just shareholders. To be financially sustainable, organisations will also need to get the environmental and the community pieces of the sustainability jigsaw right as well. However, there is no simple answer or "how to" guide for directors to this fast evolving and wide ranging topic.

Dean Hamilton

Dean has a background as a CEO and as an investment banker before transitioning to becoming a non-executive director.  Most recently, he was CEO of Silver Fern Farms Limited where he successfully led the business through a period of significant change and improvement in financial performance, staff and supplier engagement, sustainability and consumer trust.  His prior experience includes senior roles at global investment bank Deutsche Bank, working in both Australia and New Zealand where he advised a wide range of companies on M&A, capital management, corporate restructuring and capital raising. Dean is currently the chair of Fulton Hogan and a director of Auckland International Airport, Skyline Enterprises, The Warehouse Group and Tappenden Holdings and previously chaired the Wakatipu High School board of trustees. Dean lives in Queenstown with his family.

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Philippa Murrell
Otago Southland Branch Manager

+64 3 955 5899
+64 27 772 2013

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  • Fully booked


    10 Nov 2020

    Members — $45.00

    Non-members — $60.00

    Please ph 04 499 0076 to be placed on the waitlist