Te Moana a Toi - Kaitohu-Taura 2024

Aerial view of beach in Tauranga

About the award

The focus of this award is to identify individuals with potential, and to foster the dedication of good governance through the attainment of practical and theoretical knowledge, in addition to creating opportunities for future governance growth to support Māori. 

We are delighted to partner with Miro Berries and Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology to support the growth of governance capabilities within Te Moana a Toi rohe.


Applications are open until 5:00pm Monday 12 August 2024.

apply here


Is this award open to directors outside of the Te Moana a Toi rohe?

For 2022, this award is specific to the Te Moana a Toi region, driven by the Bay of Plenty branch of the IoD. Applicants from outside this region will not be eligible to apply. This award is a pilot initiative for the Bay of Plenty region. It is not currently offered in other regions.

Do applicants have to be IoD members?

Applications are open to all, not just existing IoD members. The winner will receive complimentary membership of the IoD for 12 months, as well as attendance at branch functions, mentoring with an experienced director and a 12-month Aspiring Director placement on the board Toi Rai Kawa.

What is the process?

Applications for the award open on Monday 21 March and will close on 22 April 5pm. The winner of the award will be announced at a special Bay of Plenty branch event, Me hao te rangatahi – Next generation of leaders, featuring Dr Jim Mather on 18 May 2022.

Do all applicants have to identify as Māori?

Yes. Applicants should identify with one of the iwi based in the Te Moana a Toi rohe. This is captured in the application form.  

What is required of the winner?

As part of the prize for the award winner, the winner will receive one-on-one mentoring with an experienced director over a 12-month period. The frequency, format and expectations of mentoring sessions will be established between the mentor and mentee but usually involves approximately 8-10 sessions. The winner will also be appointed as an Aspiring Director to Toi Rai Kawa. 

Placement board