


Directors’ guide to cryptoassets and tax

Join us for this Directors Deep Dive hosted by branch sponsor Nexia.

Jason Hoseason
12:15pm — 1:45pm, 7 April 2025
Nexia New Zealand
Level 4/123 Victoria Street, Christchurch Central City
Price members
$25.00 incl GST
Price non-members
$50.00 incl GST


The last year has seen the release of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds and the re-election of Donald Trump who has promised to be the first 'crypto president'.

Locally, Inland Revenue’s increased focus on cryptoassets means businesses and individuals ignore the associated tax implications at their peril. 

Jason Hoseason, Tax Manager of Nexia New Zealand’s Christchurch office, will lead an informative and entertaining session.  The session will include an explanation of the different types of cryptoassets, how the tax rules apply to them, relevant Inland Revenue commentary and new regulations.  Jason has over 25 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant specialising in tax, and he regularly provides tax advice and assistance to clients regarding cryptocurrency.

Directors' Deep Dive events are smaller interactive discussion-style sessions where you will be encouraged to ask questions, so this session is suitable for all levels of knowledge on cryptoassets and the underlying technologies.

Jason Hoseason

Jason is a Tax Manager in the Tax division at Nexia New Zealand.

Jason began his career with a ‘Big Four’ accounting firm, where he specialized in providing tax advisory and compliance services for corporate groups and their inbound and outbound employees, both in New Zealand and in Canada.

Jason enjoys working with a wide range of clients and industries, from large corporate groups down to SMEs and sole traders and property investors. He has a keen interest in helping clients leverage technology to improve their business operations.

Jason has extensive experience in New Zealand tax issues, such as land sales, corporate groups, restructures and acquisitions, as well as general income tax, GST and withholding tax compliance matters.  He also has experience in international tax, advising on cross-border business structures, double tax agreements, tax residency issues for individuals and companies, non-resident contractors, inbound and outbound employees and the tax treatment of foreign investments and retirement schemes.

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Regrettably, registration fees cannot be refunded when cancellations are received within two working days prior to any branch event.  See our standard terms and conditions for more information.


Kim Gerard
Canterbury Branch Executive

+64 21 243 6252

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  • Christchurch

    7 Apr 2025

    Members — $25.00

    Non-members — $50.00