Complaints and grievances

The IoD is a voluntary membership organisation that promotes professional standards for directors and is dedicated to ensuring its members maintain appropriate standards of conduct. We are also committed to continuous improvement and view all feedback as an opportunity to grow, improve and ensure we are meeting your expectations.

Who can lodge a complaint or grievance?

If you are a member of the IoD, you can lodge a grievance if you are concerned about how the IoD has treated you (or a group of members).

If you are a member of the IoD or a member of the public, you can lodge a complaint about the alleged conduct of an IoD member.

Lodge a complaint

Lodge a grievance

IoD professional standards framework

In 2021, the IoD membership voted to update and enhance the IoD’s standards framework. This included amending membership criteria and providing the IoD Council with more flexibility to address member misconduct. This enhanced framework helps protect and maintain IoD’s reputation as a membership based professional body and uphold professional standards for directors.

Member obligations

Rule 17 of the IoD Constitution sets out the process that must be followed in relation to complaints and grievances.  All members are required to cooperate to resolve such matters efficiently, fairly and with the minimum of disruption to the IoD’s activities.

Under Rule 4.8 of the IoD Constitution, every member of the IoD: 

  1. is deemed to have agreed to be bound by the Rules and any binding Codes issued by Council from time to time; and
  2. must not act in a manner that compromises (or is likely to compromise) the position of the IoD or brings (or is likely to bring) the IoD into disrepute.

The following binding codes have been issued by the IoD Council:

Chartered members are subject to additional requirements, having to confirm annually that they have undertaken the required CPD, will uphold the principles of the Charter of the Institute of Directors and are of good character.