Courses for executives
These courses provide fundamental skills to establish a base level of governance knowledge.
Audit and Risk Committees
Learn the requirements and formalities of audit and risk committees.
Company Directors’ Course
A week long course to develop your governance skills and create a significant step change in your professional performance.
Finance Essentials
Gain the confidence to challenge the financial reports and ask the right questions on behalf of your stakeholders.
Governance Essentials
Learn the roles and responsibilities of the board and directors across a range of governance settings.
Health and Safety Governance - online module
Understand your legal obligations as a director under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Not-for-Profit Essentials online bundle
This bundle includes our online Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials modules and Not-For-Profit Finance Essentials modules.
Reporting to the Board
This course explores how the quality of your relationship and trust with the board can influence the success of your organisation.
Strategy Essentials
Learn the role of the board in developing strategy and how to formulate, develop, and communicate it across the organisation.
Rural Governance Essentials
Harness the power of a board for your agribusiness with robust processes and good decision making.
The Board's Role in Mental Health and Wellbeing - online module
This online module has been developed to support directors and boards in their role in relation to workplace mental health and wellbeing.
The IoD Essentials online bundle
This bundle includes our online Governance Essentials modules and Finance Essentials modules.