IoD recognises Jenna Neame with Nelson Emerging Director Award

Tasman District Council’s acting Chief Operating Officer, Jenna Neame, has won the Institute of Directors’ (IoD) 2022 Nelson Emerging Director Award.
Neame, who was presented with her award on 20 October, is a trustee of the Nelson Tasman Kindergarten Association and was previously chair of the Motueka Early Learning Centre. Her management career spans time in the private and public sectors initially as a Civil Engineering Cadet with MWH NZ in Richmond. After moving to Tasman District Council, she broadened her skillset, taking up strategic planning and leadership roles. More recently she was named Kaihautū, and is currently the Council’s Chief Operating Officer.
Neame is proud of her local roots and strong connection to Te Tauihu. She says enjoying this region and helping it thrive are important to her.
The Emerging Director Awards were established to foster upcoming talent in governance and recognise individuals who have the ability to provide leadership in the business and community sectors.
Nelson-Marlborough branch chair Sarah-Jane Weir congratulated Jenna, saying “our Emerging Director Award is a great step towards getting experience in governance through observing a capable board and one-on-one mentoring”.
“Jenna impressed us with her understanding of governance and the learnings gained from the not-for-profit roles she has taken on. She has made a considerable commitment to ongoing governance education and has achieved an understanding at a high level in business in her day-to-day role.”
The judging panel comprised Sarah Smith CFInstD (panel chair), Ross Butler CFInstD, Pete Boyle MInstD (and CEO of Duncan Cotterill, the award sponsor).
Neame receives a range of development opportunities through the IoD, including $1000 towards an IoD Governance Development course; one year’s complimentary IoD membership; a director internship with a local board for 6-12 months; mentoring sessions with an experienced director; and four complimentary attendance vouchers to Nelson Marlborough branch functions.
For more information, please contact:
Mark Russell
Head of Strategic Communications
027 297 0178