Two emerging Canterbury directors recognised by IoD

Two Canterbury directors – social worker Joseph Tyro and IT professional Dita Ciulacu have been named recipients of the Canterbury Emerging Director Award for 2023.
The Institute of Directors’ (IoD) Emerging Director Award fosters the development of upcoming talent in governance and leadership across business and community sectors, recognising executives, managers, directors and individuals who are in the early stages of their governance careers.
Joseph Tyro (Ngāi Tahu, Te Ati Haunui-A-Pāpārangi, Ngāti Rangi) holds a Master's degree from the University of Canterbury and Post Graduate qualifications in Health Sciences from Auckland Institute of Technology. He works for Te Aka Whai Ora as the Principal Advisor Workforce.
He is a registered social worker and is involved in a number of local, regional and national governance roles. These include Aotearoa New Zealand Association of Social Workers, Purapura Whetu Trust, Presbyterian Support, Ngā Pou Mana - Tangata Whenua Allied Health, He Hapori Wātea Taitōkai STOP, Te Aitarakihi Marae-A-Iwi, Waitaha Māori Rugby, Canterbury Men’s Centre, Hope Upstream Charitable Trust, Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand, Lyttelton Recreation Trust, Board of Trustee’s Te Kura o Manga o Kawari, Reconnect Family Services, Te Mātāpuna Health Limited. He has also recently been appointed by his marae on to the Whaka-Ora Healthy Harbour board. In addition, Joseph is a Ministerial appointment to Westbridge and Te Otu Mātua, and is co-chair for New Zealand Decentralised Oncology Clinical Trials Group.
“I am passionate about illuminating good governance practices, with the aim of achieving positive outcomes,” says Joseph. “I also believe in servant leadership, based on the village whakaaro – which is all about collectiveness. I also have a vested interest and a responsibility to help create a pathway for young aspiring Māori into governance.”
Dita is a seasoned IT professional with more than 20 years’ experience in the technology and business world. She has a focus on bridging gaps between technology, people, and business.
Her professional track record is marked by accomplishments in governance, strategic thinking, and digital transformation. Dita is IT & Facilities Lead at Forte Health. Previous roles have included Senior Manager at PwC, Chief Information Officer at UniMed, and ITS Service Delivery Manager at Ōtākaro Limited.
In addition to her professional pursuits, she is active in her community, serving as a board member for not-for-profits and volunteering with organisations such as Variety, Dementia Canterbury, and Ronald McDonald House.
In her award application, Dita wrote: “Beyond my passion and empathy, my professional track record is marked by accomplishments in governance, strategic thinking, and digital transformation. I have a confident grasp of the intricate dynamics involved in these domains and possess a strategic mindset that centres on long-term risk management and business sustainability. My approach fosters effective relationships among management, governance bodies, members, and other stakeholders, emphasising diversity of thought and constructive dissent.”
Panel chair Hannah Doney says the awards increasingly attract a high-level of entrants, saying: “The quality of the applications continues to increase year on year and the awards committee were genuinely impressed with the effort up-and-coming governors were making to contribute to their communities and within their organisations.”
Joseph and Dita will both receive a governance internship (Joseph with Canterbury Scientific; and Dita with EA Networks Ashburton), as well as one-on-one mentoring with an experienced director (Richard Hegan CMInstD will work with Joseph; and Brian Wood CFInstD with Dita). In addition, they both receive $1,500 to be spent on IoD courses, and a year’s complimentary membership with the Canterbury branch. The pair will be officially recognised at a presentation function in Christchurch on 17 October.