IoD's terms and conditions

  1. Course terms and conditions
  2. Event terms and conditions
  3. Covid-19 policy for in-person events and courses
  4. Board Evaluation Service – Terms of Service
  5. Board Packs terms and conditions

Course terms and conditions


Submission of the registration form (online, email, or mail) is deemed a binding contract between the applicant and the Institute of Directors IoD) for attendance at the Director Development course(s)/workshop(s) as nominated on the registration form.

Booking on behalf

Where you are registering course attendance on behalf of third parties, you confirm that you have obtained the consent of those third parties to these terms and conditions.


Registrations received less than one month prior to a course/workshop require full payment at the time of registration. Where registrations are received more than one month prior to a course/workshop without full payment, a standard invoice will be issued and full payment of the course/workshop fee is required within seven days. If payment has not been received, we reserve the right to cancel the booking.

Maximum attendees

To maximise attendee experience and avoid organisational capture, the maximum number of attendees from the same organisation on the same course/workshop (on the same date and in the same location) may be limited at the IoD’s discretion. If your organisation wishes to train a large number of attendees, In-house Training is an alternative.

Member rate

If you are an IoD member, you need to login prior to registering online to ensure you receive the member rate. If you register using our registration form (email or mail), enter your membership number on the form to ensure you receive the member rate.


Essentials of Directorship courses discount

To be eligible, you must register for all courses at the same time. The same attendee must register for at least three of the applicable Essentials courses.

Three attendee discount

To be eligible, all three attendees must be registered at the same time, must be from the same organisation and attending the same course/workshop (the course/workshop may be held on different dates and/or in different locations). This discount does not apply to courses of more than one day duration.


  • The courses/workshops must occur in the same calendar year to redeem discount
  • No retrospective discounts will be applied
  • Where a change is made that results in a situation where the discount no longer applies, the full course price is payable
  • Attendees cannot receive both the Essentials of Directorship discount and the three attendee discount. For instance, if an organisation registers three attendees for the Essentials of Directorship, they will receive a 10% discount not a 20% discount.

Regional Business Partner Network RBP) support

The IoD offers courses that are registered with the Management Capability Development Fund managed by the MBIE. Each course page indicates whether or not it is registered. Small businesses may qualify for this funding to help pay for services such as training workshop and courses that build the management capabilities of their owners and key managers. Management Capability Development funding is only available through the Regional Business Partner Network RBP) GrowthAdvisorss and can be used with service providers registered with the RBP Network. For more information or to find your local Growth Advisor go to Regional Business Partner website. 

By registering for this course you agree to pay and attend the course. If you subsequently secure funding through the Regional Business Partner Network then the IoD will refund you for this amount, or you may prefer to obtain approval for funding prior to committing to the course.

Substitute attendees

Should an attendee become unable to attend the nominated course/workshop, the IoD will accept a substitute attendee from the same organisation.

Notification of substitutions must be provided in writing (mail or email) at least 48 hours prior to the course/workshop commencing. If the original attendee has paid the member rate and the substitute attendee is a non-member, you will be required to pay the difference between the two rates.  


Cancellation terms are below. Transfers are available at no cost to future scheduled dates of the same webinar only. A recorded version of the webinar may be made available, on request, once the final live offering of the webinar has been delivered.

Attendee information

The Institute of Directors will not sell your personal information to other companies. The only circumstances in which external organisations may be given access to your personal information are when our contractors and service providers are helping us operate our business or provide a service to you, eg third party accommodation providers.

CPD points 

CPD points will be automatically logged at the completion of your course for IoD members. Members will not achieve completion if they do not meet the attendance requirements for the course. For further information on CPD points please contact

Transfer and cancellation

The following terms will apply to amendments to the original registration where the individual or organisation cannot provide a substitute attendee from the same organisation.

  • Transfer fees are payable at the time of transferring by credit card payment
  • Non-attendance on the day of a course/workshop is deemed a cancellation and a 100% fee will apply
  • No transfers are permitted within seven days prior to commencement of the Company Directors Course, or any other course of two days duration or more. This would be considered a cancellation, and the course fee will be non-refundable
  • A transfer fee applies to each transfer requested. Annual course fee increases will be applied to requests for a transfer to a course in a new calendar year
  • All transfers must be to a course within 12 months of the start date of the original course booked.
  • The transfer and cancellation fees below are the percentage of the course price payable, unless a specific amount is listed.

Company Directors’ Course, Advanced Directors’ Course and Chairing the Board


7 – 29 days prior

30 days to 3 months prior

More than 3 months prior









All one day courses and workshops

  1 – 14 days prior 15 – 29 days prior 30 days or more
Transfer 20% 15% $100
Cancellation 100% 50% $100

Blended courses

You will receive immediate access to the self-paced online modules once you register, therefore there is no option to cancel your registration. You may be able to transfer your attendance at the virtual workshop one time. The applicable fees are below.


1 – 14 days prior

15 – 29 days prior

30 days or more









Company Directors' Course Rarotonga

No transfers are permitted within 30 days prior to commencement of the Company Directors Course in Rarotonga. This would be considered a cancellation, and the course fee will be non-refundable.

  30 days or less prior 31 days to 3 month prior More than 3 months prior
Transfer 100%  50%  $2,850.00
Cancellation 100% 50% $2,850.00


Self-paced learning online modules
You will receive immediate access to self-paced online modules once you register, therefore there is no option to cancel your registration.

Compassionate consideration
Compassionate considerations for cancellation or transfer will only be considered should they affect your study ability (illness, injury, and bereavement) and are made at the discretion of the IoD. A medical certificate or other written evidence may be required. If a fee waiver is granted on compassionate grounds, a $100 administration fee will still apply.

Cancellation by the IoD
The IoD reserves the right to cancel a course/workshop prior to its commencement. In all such cases the IoD shall make full refunds of all fees paid. In the event of cancellation, you agree that apart from a full refund of any fees paid, the IoD is not liable to you for any other costs incurred by you in relation to the cancelled course/workshop paid.


We may photograph/ video courses and events. These images may be used in, but not limited to IoD promotional materials, social media and website. If you, or the person you are booking on behalf of, do not grant the release of your image, please contact the course organiser. 

At the event or course, if photography is being taken, you have the right to not have your image used by the IoD. If you do not wish to have your image used, please contact the course organiser.

Code of conduct

We are committed to delivering quality events and training within safe and respectful environments for all attendees to share knowledge, express their thoughts and opinions and network. All attendees are to act in a respectful and responsible manner towards other attendees, venue staff and IoD staff and contractors, and have the highest standards of ethical behaviour ie consistent with the IoD’s Code of Practice. If you have any concerns about your own or another person’s conduct at the event or training please contact a member of the IoD team.


If you have any questions relating to the terms and conditions, please contact the Governance Development team on 04 499 0076 or email

Event terms and conditions


Where you are purchasing tickets on behalf of third parties, you confirm that you have obtained the consent of those third parties to these terms and conditions.

Member rate

If you are an IoD member, you need to login prior to registering online to ensure you receive the member rate.

Cancellation policy

Registration fees cannot be refunded when cancellations are received within two working days prior to any branch event.

If you are unwell, please do not attend the event and contact us to discuss refund options.


We may photograph/ video courses and events. These images may be used in, but not limited to IoD promotional materials, social media and website. If you, or the person you are booking on behalf of, do not grant the release of your image, please contact the event organiser. 

At the event or course, if photography is being taken, you have the right to not have your image used by the IoD. If you do not wish to have your image used, please contact the event organiser.

Covid-19 policy for in-person events and courses

The New Zealand Government has now removed the last remaining Covid-19 mandates, including the seven day isolation period for people with Covid-19.

If you are attending an IoD course or event and have cold or flu like symptoms please stay at home. For the wellbeing of yourself and others, if you test positive for Covid-19, we expect you to follow the Government recommendation and isolate for five days after testing positive. Please let your Course or Event Manager know if you are unable to attend so we can discuss your options.

If you test positive for Covid-19 while at a residential course, in the interests of yours and others wellbeing, you should leave the course and return home for the recommended five days. We will work with you to reschedule you on another course date.


If you have any questions relating to the terms and conditions, please contact your IoD branch or the membership team on 04 499 0076 or email