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Build your governance CV

Make your governance CV really work for you – lunch clinic with Karen Price.

This is a member-only event. Please log in to register for this event. Not a member? Join the IoD
Karen Price
11:45am — 2:30pm, 23 November 2020
Level 22, PwC Tower, 15 Customs Street West, Commercial Bay, Auckland Central 1010
$45.00 incl GST


Aimed primarily at emerging directors, this workshop will offer guidance on structuring your governance CV and how to get your value proposition across. 

We will look at CV content and what is and isn’t relevant along with how you can maximise opportunities through the Institute of Directors’ Board Appointment services. 

This workshop is facilitated by Karen Price. Karen will share tips on how to make your governance CV stand out, provide examples of good governance CVs and help you understand the short-list process.

Lunch will be provided.

Thank you to MinterEllisonRuddWatts for the use of their venue.

Karen Price

Karen is an entrepreneur who works with multidisciplinary teams on large and complex projects across a diverse range of industry sectors. Excited by innovation, she chose a pioneering career in climate change 30 years ago. As a mild extrovert, Karen nurtures a wide and diverse network of contacts. She works with lots of young people, is internationally connected, and strives to keep abreast of emerging trends.

Karen co-founded several successful private and public organisations – the NZ Society for Risk Management; the NZ Carbon Exchange Limited, and environment law firm ChanceryGreen. While she still practises as an environment lawyer, Karen now spends a good proportion of her time serving on the boards of a number of companies.

Additional information


We have been monitoring government updates regarding COVID-19 and are keeping up to date with Ministry of Health guidance with regard to events and public gatherings.

For the latest updates on face to face courses and our safety planning see our response to COVID-19 page

Branch event cancellation policy

Regrettably, registration fees cannot be refunded when cancellations are received within two working days prior to any branch event.

See our standard terms and conditions for more information.


Jill Steffert
Auckland Branch Manager

+64 27 403 0148
+64 9 905 4804

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