Fully booked
Panel Discussion • 2 CPD

Panel Discussion
Fully booked
Join us to hear the top three Auckland mayoral candidates' vision for our city.
It is a relatively close race with 22 Auckland mayoral candidates in the running. The election is shaping up to be the closest mayoral election campaign ever. Each candidate offers different skills and we’ll hear from each of them, on their ambitions, experience and skills that they can bring to the mayoral table. They will be questioned by expert facilitator, Brent Impey. We’ll take questions from the floor, so come ready with yours. Transport, light rail, the port, crime - all relevant topics will be discussed. Come along and make your own mind up.
There will be an opportunity to network after the panel discussion, which will start promptly at 5pm. Please allow time to register and be seated.
Brent is the director and chair of the Remuneration Committees of Yellow Pages Group and Devon Funds Management Limited, and director of Strategy at Ports of Auckland. He is also a media consultant and a professional mentor. Previous board, consultancy and chief executive positions include: chair of The Radio Bureau, Television Broadcasters Council and Fred Hollows Foundation; director of Hutchwilco NZ, Freeview, Pumpkin Patch and Radio Broadcasters Association; on the management board of CanWest Global (operators of the FM Group); management consultant to Market Pulse International and the New Zealand Rugby Union; and media and business consultant to Gerson Lehrman Group. For eleven years he was CEO of MediaWorks NZ, and drive host on Radio Live (2010-2011). He was CE of Independent Broadcasting Group (1989-1992) and a partner at McElroy Milne Barristers & Solicitors (1984-1989) specialising in media law.
Brent is a Chartered Fellow of the IoD and joined the Auckland Branch Committee in 2013.
Fa'anānā Efeso Collins grew up in South Auckland, attended Tangaroa College, and went on to study at the University of Auckland. He holds a Bachelor of Arts and Master's in Education from the University of Auckland. While at the University of Auckland, Efeso was the President of the Auckland University Students' Association. He went on to work in education, helping to promote tertiary education for students in low-decile schools and spent stints overseas (including in the UK) during this time.
He has owned businesses, including an education consultancy that he currently owns, and also has experience working in the public sector. He was chairperson of the Ōtara-Papatoetoe Local Board, and since 2016 he has served as councillor for the Manukau ward. He announced in January his intention to stand for the Auckland Mayoralty. At the core of his campaign are his family, in particular his wife Fia and two daughters, Asalemo (who's 2) and Kaperiela (who's 9).
After completing a Bachelor of Arts in Economics at Victoria University, Viv has had a diverse career spanning the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. She has held governance positions, senior roles in large companies, led a medium-sized design, print and logistics agency, and been involved with start-ups.
As Chief Executive of Heart of the City and Chair of the City Centre Advisory Board for several years, Viv has worked constructively with the Auckland Council group and also challenged poor performance. She stood up for businesses impacted by City Rail Link construction and she took this issue to Parliament to ensure it is addressed in advance for future large-scale, long-term infrastructure projects. She has been involved with solutions to social issues and she worked collaboratively with sector groups to support Auckland businesses impacted by COVID-19.
Before relocating from Wellington 10 years ago, Viv was Director of Communications and a member of the Senior Leadership Team for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Most of her roles prior to that involved regular travel to Auckland.
Viv has a constructive style of leadership with a strong focus on results.
Wayne is a very experienced chairman and fixer of large complex organisations in trouble, like Auckland Council. He chaired Vector back to health after the 6 week CBD power failure, finished Auckland Hospital on time and on budget and fixed Transpower after the Penrose failure that he predicted. He was also a two-term Mayor up north, so he knows what to do.
At Auckland DHB he shaved $100m off operating costs without cutting a single service so can stop council wasting money.
He will take back control of CCOs, make AT a better user of modern IT to speed traffic, get the Port to pay for occupying $6bn of land and use his successful experience on Otahuhu Business Association where security patrols have reduced crime and increased retail sales to make the city safer.
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Becky Hare
Auckland Branch Manager
+64 27 642 1099
+64 9 905 4804
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