


Economic turning point or false dawn? A director’s lens on 2025

Join us for the webcast with Nick Tuffley, ASB and Christina Leung, NZIER on where the economy is heading.

Nick Tuffley, Christina Leung , Guy Beatson
7:30am — 8:30am, 16 April 2025
Price members
$0.00 incl GST
Price non-members
$60.00 incl GST


As boardrooms navigate uncertainty and pressure to perform, economic insight has never been more critical. Join a powerhouse panel featuring Nick Tuffley (ASB) and Christina Leung (NZIER) for a timely and thought-provoking discussion on where the economy is heading — and what it means for those around the board table. We’ll revisit the late 2024 optimism around a 2025 recovery, examine current signals and headwinds, and explore what this all means for capital allocation, strategy, and risk in the months ahead. This is your chance to test assumptions, sharpen foresight, and align your board’s decisions with the real economy.

Nick Tuffley

Nick Tuffley was appointed as ASB’s Chief Economist in January 2007, having previously worked at Westpac and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.  Nick studied at Canterbury University, graduating with a Master of Commerce in Economics.    
He and the rest of the Economics team provide regular analysis of economic developments and the outlook through written publications and media comments.  Their key objective is to help the bank’s clients make better-informed business and personal finance decisions.  The Economics team has won 4 Consensus Economics Forecast Accuracy Awards for their NZ forecasts. 

Christina Leung 


Christina is Deputy Chief Executive at the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER), where she looks after NZIER’s economic forecasts and analysis of the NZIER Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion. She also undertakes consulting work for a wide range of clients on high profile issues, and is regularly asked to provide commentary to a broader audience on general economic developments. 

Before joining NZIER in 2015, she had over ten years of experience in the public and private sectors, having worked at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand and ASB Bank. She is a Board Director and Vice Chair of the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Society NZ.

Guy Beatson 


General Manager, Governance Leadership Centre 

Guy is an experienced senior leader who has worked with public, private and not-for-profit entities in New Zealand, Fiji, Mongolia, Australia and the United States. His previous senior roles include Deputy Chief Executive, Strategy and Organisation Performance at Te Puni Kōkiri; Deputy Secretary Natural Resources Policy at Ministry for the Environment. Most recently, he ran his own freelance consultancy practice supporting public sector senior executives and their teams to deliver high quality decision-making, advice and policy implementation. In each of these roles, he engaged on a range of natural resource, environmental and other issues with iwi/hapū and other Māori interests. 

Additional information


Kristyn Chandler-Yates
National Sponsorship and Events Manager
+64 27 207 2592

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  • Online

    16 Apr 2025

    Members — $0.00

    Non-members — $60.00