
no longer available



Would you like to be the 2024 Waikato Branch Emerging Director?

You will hear from previous winners and also have the opportunity to ask any questions in relation to the Emerging Director Award.

5:30pm — 7:30pm, 25 June 2024
Gothenburg Restaurant
17 Grantham Street, Hamilton 3204
Price members
$25.00 incl GST
Price non-members
$35.00 incl GST


Do you have skills and experience that would be useful to a board and have at least 3 years’ experience in a senior management role, a professional business advisor, or sitting on an NFP board? 
If you are a member of one of our branches and in the early stages of your governance career then come along to hear about the Emerging Director award and we will announce our 2024 sponsoring board. 

Additional information

Covid-19 precautions

By registering for this event you are confirming that you agree to adhere to our Covid-19 health and safety measures. If you are unwell or have any Covid-19 symptoms please do not attend this event.

Additional requirements

Should you have any particular dietary, mobility, cultural or other requirements, you can let us know on the registration form.

Branch event cancellation policy

Regrettably, registration fees cannot be refunded when cancellations are received within two working days prior to any branch event.

See our standard terms and conditions for more information.


Megan Beveridge
Waikato Branch Manager

+64 21 358 772

Our sponsors

The Waikato branch acknowledges the generous support of