Kevin McCaffrey

B Soc Sc, M Mngt, CMInstD, FCS

Kevin was formerly a Partner at PwC with leadership roles across the Asia Pacific region. His competencies are in governance, strategy and change management across a range of industry sectors and countries.  In 2006 he completed a Master’s degree in Governance and launched his own firm.  More recently Kevin led the governance practice EY Consulting before leaving in 2021 for his own consulting practice.  He has served on a range commercial, Community and NFP boards.

Most of his current work is for privately owned companies and co-operatives working with the Board and Senior Executive teams on strategy and governance. He also works with many of the peak bodies across the Charitable sector.

He believes effective governance is essential for the success of New Zealand, not just in economic terms but also for social, and community outcomes. The fundamental duty of governors is to set direction, appoint the right people, ensure reporting and risks are well managed, in order for the organisation to achieve its purpose.

Lastly, after 30 years of consulting, Kevin believes the key to success, across the commercial and community sector, is to have people with the right values around the board table, acting in the best interests of the entity for the benefit of their stakeholders.

Kevin was a former Rugby Referee and no longer pounds the grass but has on occasion used his yellow card at a few board meetings.