Tax reforms stir debate among NFP directors
Proposed changes to the treatment of unrelated income, donor control and mutuality may reshape tax compliance for the not-for-profit sector.
Explore the financial role of a not-for-profit board member.
Directors who are well-versed in understanding financial information and can ‘read between the lines’ are able to gain a better understanding of what is driving performance and make smart decisions for their organisations for the future.
But if finance is not your area of expertise it’s important to learn how to interpret financial reports, keep your eye on what’s important and to ask the right questions to get the information you need.
In the IoD’s four e-learning modules you can learn more about key financial concepts, legal obligations and the important aspects of the financials for the NFP sector to help contribute to better decision making.
The Not-for-Profit Finance Essentials online series includes the following modules:
Three hours.
Purchase both the Not-for-Profit Governance and Not-for-Profit Finance online module series as a bundle and save $100*
*The modules must be purchased together as the bundle offer to receive the discount. The discount cannot be applied retrospectively to separate purchases.
If you purchased this course it can be accessed via learn@iod. If you are unable to log in click forgot username or password, then to find your account enter your username (this is your email address) and click search to get a reset email sent to you.
Please contact our learning team by emailing or calling 0800 846 369 if you have any further questions.
Pay by credit card when you register for the online module. We accept all major credit cards.
We will send you a username and password for the module to the email address you give when you register.
These modules can be completed using Firefox, Google Chrome, or Safari internet browsers on a desktop computer, tablet or other mobile smart devices. Internet Explorer is not supported.
Members — $350.00
Non-members — $420.00