1 day • Face to face learning
David is the Chief Internal Auditor for ASB working closely with the Board and Executive team in critical areas of strategy and risk. Prior to ASB, David was a Partner at KPMG for eleven years leading the Auckland Consulting division and specialising in Governance and Risk. He is a Fellow member of Chartered Accountants Australia and NZ, Life member of the Institute of Internal Auditors of New Zealand and was New Zealand Internal Auditor of the Year in 2011.
Having worked extensively overseas with Shell Corporation and Microsoft Corp, David has worked with a wide range of Boards and organisations in an advisory capacity across a number of sectors, and has held a number of Director roles. Before KPMG, David led the Risk, Internal Audit, and Compliance teams at Telecom for five years reporting directly to the Board and prior to that, in a similar role with Fisher & Paykel Appliances where he was also the secretary to the Audit & Risk Committee.
David has been a key facilitator for the Institute of Directors and supports the Audit & Risk Committees Course and Risk Essentials. He believes good governance is about drawing upon the collective experience of the Board and using that to challenge Management proactively and constructively. It needs to be highly engaged and focused on things that matter.
To finish off David’s repertoire of skills, in a distant past he performed on Stars in their Eyes as Robbie Williams back in 2008 … he didn’t win.