One-day Essentials

Applications for 2024 are now closed. You can find out more about the 2024 Scholarship Fund below.

The SWR Group are funding places for ten IoD members who are not-for-profit directors on our one-day Essentials courses.

The Essentials courses are ideal for those in the earlier stages of governance and provide good grounding in some of the key aspects of governance. These courses will help you to refine your skills and confidence, and understand more about the responsibilities of your director role.

As an awardee of the Scholarship Fund, you will be funded to attend one of the following IoD Essentials courses:

  • Governance Essentials
  • Finance Essentials
  • Strategy Essentials
  • Risk Essentials
  • Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials

These courses are held in the three main centres (Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch) throughout the year, and some regional areas from time to time. 

"I feel deeply honoured and extremely grateful for this amazing opportunity. Currently I’m serving as a board member and treasurer for the Neuro Connection Foundation (NCF) in Auckland, and this scholarship will make a huge difference, not only in my life, but for the NCF community as well!"
- Surbhi Luthra – 1-day Essentials Scholarship recipient

Application criteria

All applicants should meet the following criteria at the time of applying:

  • have fewer than 3 years governance experience
  • be on a not-for-profit board (this should be your main governance role)
  • be a member of the Institute of Directors
  • be available to travel to attend the course in the location of your choice within 1-year of being awarded


The following requirements must be met in order to be eligible to apply for the Scholarship Fund.

  • you have the right to remain in New Zealand to work and study for a period of at least five years
  • you do not have experience on a private family, commercial, large company, public sector or NZX listed board
  • you are not currently participating in the IoD Emerging Directors, Mentoring for Diversity, Tuakana Chair Mentoring or Future Directors® programme on a host board
  • You have read and understood the application criteria above and terms and conditions.