Special offers

HSE Global

IoD members are eligible for special rates on two offers through national sponsor HSE Global. 

  1. HSE Global is offering a review on current officer due diligent practices within your organisation.
  2. Governing and managing psychosocial risk is an obligation under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA). HSE global has developed an evidence-based low-cost tool that provides insights, action areas and supports your decision making at a board level.

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IoD members get a complimentary benchmarking and risk review service, and advice and quotes on directors’ and officers’ liability insurance. Marsh also offer special rates for selected risk and insurance products and services. 

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IoD members have access to a special rate of $150 for their first year of their annual subscription to BusinessDesk (normally $349).

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IoD members get special rates from Hertz for vehicle rental in New Zealand and overseas. 

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IoD in the UK

IoD members may use the central London club facilities of the IoD in the United Kingdom. 

Contact us before you travel and we will contact the IoD in the UK on your behalf.