Being people led: Brooke White wins Governance Award

Christchurch executive Brooke White has received an Institute of Directors (IoD) Canterbury Branch First Steps in Governance Award 2023.
Currently General Counsel and Chief Operating Officer for Christchurch property development company Calder Stewart, White is passionate about building relationships as the foundation for strong organisational and board culture.
Collaborating with people from diverse backgrounds and with different experiences has allowed her to drive positive transformation, contributing to the strategic vision and outcomes of an organisation, she said.
“I actively engage with and have a genuine interest in people at all levels. I view challenges and opportunities with an open mind and from different perspectives. Open communication encourages honesty and respect, and empowers those around me.”
As part of the First Steps in Governance Award, White will receive first-hand board experience through a 12-month internship with Comcare Charitable Trust. The charity-based organisation is a not-for-profit that assists people with mental health and addiction issues, and offers a range of support services, including social housing in Christchurch and wider Canterbury.
Selection panel chair, IoD Distinguished Fellow Rex Williams, said Brooke’s interest in positive human outcomes paired with her strategic vision align with the kind of skills that boards need in this current, fast-paced climate.
“We were impressed by Brooke’s energy and enthusiasm, putting people at the heart of her work. This, combined with her strategic knowledge as a leading strength and her understanding of what it takes to improve and grow organisational and board culture made her a strong candidate for the award,” Rex said.
Murray Bain CFInstD, Comcare Charitable Trust Chair said the board are delighted to have Brooke join them.
“Brooke possesses compassion and looks for positive human-focused outcomes that will benefit the work of Comcare Charitable Trust. Her values and purpose align with the strategic objectives of our organisation and the needs of our stakeholders. We look forward to passing on our insights about the sector and the role of governance while also having the opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas with her during her internship with us,” Murray said.
Along with her board internship, White will also receive $955 towards an IoD director development course of her choice, one-year complimentary membership to the Institute, and mentoring with an experienced director.
White said her motivation was to partner with people and organisations to drive value and realise potential.
“For me, it is not about a certain title or position, but instead, it’s about achieving sustainable outcomes that engage an organisation and provide purpose and connection for its people, stakeholders, and customers.”
Established in 2014, First Steps in Governance is awarded to young professionals and helps them to gain first-hand experience on a not-for-profit board. Eligible recipients must not have held any substantial board roles, but can have experience on local sports, schools or community boards or trusts.