Governance Development and Services

Our courses and governance services geared towards the not-for-profit sector.

Services for NFPs

megaphone board vacancies

Board development

Resources and templates for your board to download and use at a time that works for you.

NFP Board evaluations

Explore evaluations developed around your unique operating environment and responsibilities as a not-for-profit organisation.
Tuakana Teina chair mentoring programme

Tuakana Teina chair mentoring programme

Connecting the next generation of chairs to strengthen the community sector.

Courses for NFPs

Not for Profit Governance Essentials

Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials

Understand the boards’ role and the unique challenges within a not-for-profit environment.
NFP GES online modules

Not-for-Profit Governance Essentials - online module series

Understand the boards’ role, processes and unique challenges in the not-for-profit environment.
NFP FES online modules

Not-for-Profit Finance Essentials - online module series

Explore the financial role of a not-for-profit board member.
Strategy Essentials

Strategy Essentials

Learn the role of the board in developing strategy and how to formulate, develop, and communicate it across the organisation.
Reporting to the Board

Reporting to the Board

This course explores how the quality of your relationship and trust with the board can influence the success of your organisation.
Risk Essentials

Risk Essentials

Risk is a crucial factor to consider in any organisation. This course will provide you with the tools to identify, manage and govern risk.
back of mans head web

The Board's Role in Mental Health and Wellbeing - online module

This online module has been developed to support directors and boards in their role in relation to workplace mental health and wellbeing.
Globe earth

Future for NGO Governance - webcast

A recording of a webcast hosted in partnership with the Centre for Social Impact.