Directors and officers insurance – trends and analysis

By Institute of Directors (IoD)
5 Sep 2024
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1 min to read
Directors and officers insurance – trends and analysis

Directors and officers (D&O) insurance is an important safeguard that protects directors from personal loss in the face of legal claims for actions and decisions undertaken on behalf of their organisations.  

Our latest D&O insurance report, available to download as a PDF below, provides an overview of market developments and regulatory updates for 2024.

Produced by the Institute of Directors (IoD) with Marsh and Dentons, the report D&O insurance – preparing for the tailwinds suggests opportunities to better-manage D&O insurance are on the horizon and boards should prepare to review – and perhaps renew the terms of – their policies.

It provides analysis of contemporary legal risks, emerging risks (including AI), insurance industry updates and advice for directors in the not-for-profit sector.