Fees Snapshot

The Director Fees Snapshot is a cost-effective summary of director fees in the market.

What we offer

We give fee data relevant to your organisation with an overview of fee trends and considerations to guide your discussion.

How we help

A high-level report about board fees with relevant market data, without in-depth analysis or recommendations.

This fees snapshot can help start a conversation or support your discussion. It can keep you informed between tailored reviews.

How it works

  1. We can discuss your request with you to work out the best service for your needs.
  2. You complete and submit our fees snapshot web form.
  3. We confirm receipt of your order.
  4. We send you the report, usually in two to five days.


What it costs

A snapshot costs $1,495 and a special rate of $995 for not-for-profit organisations. These prices exclude GST.

The snapshot takes two to five business days to complete.

Contact us

Fill out the Fees Snapshot order form

Or contact our Service Manager - Jo Birdsall 0800 846 369

Or email governanceservices@iod.org.nz


Read the Director Fees Snapshot terms and conditions